To Sign the petition, click here !
For the attention of all those who believe that a fairer sharing of wealth is the basis of living together.
To all those who wish to relay and support this initiative: politician, public woman or man, journalist, influencer, citizen... free thinker..
The WENDEL investment fund has just entered into exclusive negotiations to buy the SCALIAN Group for €965 million.
SCALIAN is an IT engineering company headquartered in Toulouse (5000 employees – 2700 employees in France – 500 M€ turnover)
This buyout will be carried out via an LBO(*) (Leveraged Buyout).
(The LBO is a purchase made via a leverage effect with significant debt)
Through this transaction, the current shareholders (COBEPA & Andera Partners(**) in particular) woud realize, according to our estimates, a capital gain of at least €500 million.
... for an investment of around €50 to €150 million in 2019.
We, elected CFTC of the Economic and Social Union SCALIAN, ask that part of this added value be returned to employees (at least 3%)
If nothing is done, employees will have nothing like during the 2 previous LBOs in 2015 and 2019.
If you find it unfair that the wealth produced largely by wage earners, benefits only a few people, support the petition:
"Sale of the SCALIAN Group : Shareholders M€ 500 VS Employees € 0 - I say No"
PS: Don't forget to confirm your email to validate your signature.
How to go further?
Spread this message by any means, to everyone: blogs - social networks - friends - acquaintances...
To know more :
NB :
(*) The LBO or takeover with leverage, is a financial arrangement allowing the takeover of a company by having recourse to ... a lot of indebtedness
On average, the acquisition is made with 25% capital contribution AND 75% via debt.
- Debt is made up of "In fine" loans (The capital is repaid under the terms of the loan, generally on resale - Only the interest on the loan is repaid each month)
- The shareholder, through various financial arrangements, will seek to withdraw financially gradually.
(**) COBEPA & Andera Partners (formerly Edmond de Rotschild IP) are investment funds
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Le SICSTI : Syndicat Bureau d'Etudes